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Sofas and Armchairs

Have you been searching for the perfect sofa or armchair to relax in, but are struggling to find exactly what your home needs?

At Flitch we've brought together the entire UK sofa market in one place to make it a seamless experience to find the perfect sofa for your home.

Utilise our advanced filters to help narrow your options as you search for the perfect style, material, colour and size, and even wait to see when your new sofa is on sale by clicking the notify me when on sale on the item page.

And keep in mind that if you want to make this process even easier, we offer the services of an expert interior stylist for £25.

Whether you're looking for Sofa Beds, Loveseats, or Chaise Longues, at Flitch you can find it all, and will soon be sinking into the comfort of your new sofa after completing a seamless shopping experience with Flitch.

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Amara Accent ChairsAmara ArmchairsAmara Chaise LonguesAmara Day BedsAmara LoveseatsAmara ReclinersAmara SofabedsAmara SofasAnthropologie Accent ChairsAnthropologie ArmchairsAnthropologie Corner SofasAnthropologie SofasAtkin & Thyme Accent ChairsAtkin & Thyme ArmchairsAtkin & Thyme LoveseatsAtkin & Thyme SofasBarker and Stonehouse Accent ChairsBarker and Stonehouse ArmchairsBarker and Stonehouse Chaise LonguesBarker and Stonehouse Corner SofasBarker and Stonehouse Day BedsBarker and Stonehouse LoveseatsBarker and Stonehouse ReclinersBarker and Stonehouse SofabedsBarker and Stonehouse SofasChiltern Oak Furniture Accent ChairsChiltern Oak Furniture ArmchairsChiltern Oak Furniture Corner SofasChiltern Oak Furniture SofasCox and Cox Accent ChairsCox and Cox ArmchairsCox and Cox Chaise LonguesCox and Cox Corner SofasCox and Cox Day BedsCox and Cox LoveseatsCox and Cox ReclinersCox and Cox SofabedsCox and Cox SofasCuckooland Accent ChairsCuckooland ArmchairsCuckooland Corner SofasCuckooland Day BedsCuckooland LoveseatsCuckooland SofabedsCuckooland SofasCult Furniture Accent ChairsCult Furniture ArmchairsCult Furniture Corner SofasCult Furniture LoveseatsCult Furniture SofabedsCult Furniture SofasDarlings of Chelsea ArmchairsDarlings of Chelsea Corner SofasDarlings of Chelsea LoveseatsDarlings of Chelsea SofabedsDarlings of Chelsea SofasDowntown Accent ChairsDowntown ArmchairsDowntown Chaise LonguesDowntown Corner SofasDowntown LoveseatsDowntown ReclinersDowntown SofabedsDowntown SofasDunelm Accent ChairsDunelm ArmchairsDunelm Chaise LonguesDunelm Corner SofasDunelm Day BedsDunelm LoveseatsDunelm ReclinersDunelm SofabedsDunelm SofasFurniture Village Accent ChairsFurniture Village ArmchairsFurniture Village Chaise LonguesFurniture Village Corner SofasFurniture Village Day BedsFurniture Village LoveseatsFurniture Village ReclinersFurniture Village SofabedsFurniture Village SofasFurniture123 Accent ChairsFurniture123 ArmchairsFurniture123 Chaise LonguesFurniture123 Corner SofasFurniture123 Day BedsFurniture123 LoveseatsFurniture123 ReclinersFurniture123 SofabedsFurniture123 SofasGraham & Green Accent ChairsGraham & Green ArmchairsGraham & Green Corner SofasGraham & Green Day BedsGraham & Green LoveseatsGraham & Green SofabedsGraham & Green SofasHabitat Accent ChairsHabitat ArmchairsHabitat Chaise LonguesHabitat Corner SofasHabitat Day BedsHabitat LoveseatsHabitat ReclinersHabitat SofabedsHabitat SofasHeal's Accent ChairsHeal's ArmchairsHeal's Chaise LonguesHeal's Corner SofasHeal's LoveseatsHeal's ReclinersHeal's SofabedsHeal's SofasHomebase Accent ChairsHomebase ArmchairsHomebase Corner SofasHomebase SofabedsHomebase SofasIO Living Accent ChairsIO Living ArmchairsIO Living SofasJohn Lewis Accent ChairsJohn Lewis ArmchairsJohn Lewis Chaise LonguesJohn Lewis Corner SofasJohn Lewis Day BedsJohn Lewis LoveseatsJohn Lewis ReclinersJohn Lewis SofabedsJohn Lewis SofasKave Home Accent ChairsKave Home ArmchairsKave Home Chaise LonguesKave Home Corner SofasKave Home SofasKnees Accent ChairsKnees ArmchairsKnees Corner SofasKnees LoveseatsKnees ReclinersKnees SofabedsKnees SofasLa Redoute Accent ChairsLa Redoute ArmchairsLa Redoute Chaise LonguesLa Redoute Corner SofasLa Redoute Day BedsLa Redoute LoveseatsLa Redoute SofabedsLa Redoute SofasLayered Lounge ArmchairsLoaf Accent ChairsLoaf ArmchairsLoaf Chaise LonguesLoaf Corner SofasLoaf Day BedsLoaf LoveseatsLoaf SofabedsLoaf SofasMade in Design Accent ChairsMade in Design ArmchairsMade in Design Chaise LonguesMade in Design Corner SofasMade in Design Day BedsMade in Design LoveseatsMade in Design SofabedsMade in Design SofasMarks & Spencer Accent ChairsMarks & Spencer ArmchairsMarks & Spencer Corner SofasMarks & Spencer Day BedsMarks & Spencer SofabedsMarks & Spencer SofasMy Furniture Accent ChairsMy Furniture ArmchairsMy Furniture Chaise LonguesMy Furniture Corner SofasMy Furniture Day BedsMy Furniture LoveseatsMy Furniture SofabedsMy Furniture SofasNkuku Accent ChairsNkuku ArmchairsNkuku Corner SofasNkuku LoveseatsNkuku SofasNordic Nest Accent ChairsNordic Nest ArmchairsNordic Nest Chaise LonguesNordic Nest Corner SofasNordic Nest Day BedsNordic Nest SofabedsNordic Nest SofasOak Furniture Superstore Accent ChairsOak Furniture Superstore ArmchairsOak Furniture Superstore Chaise LonguesOak Furniture Superstore Corner SofasOak Furniture Superstore Day BedsOak Furniture Superstore LoveseatsOak Furniture Superstore ReclinersOak Furniture Superstore SofabedsOak Furniture Superstore SofasOKA Accent ChairsOKA ArmchairsOKA Chaise LonguesOKA Corner SofasOKA LoveseatsOKA SofabedsOKA SofasOlivia's Accent ChairsOlivia's ArmchairsOlivia's Chaise LonguesOlivia's Corner SofasOlivia's Day BedsOlivia's LoveseatsOlivia's ReclinersOlivia's SofabedsOlivia's SofasPagazzi Accent ChairsPagazzi Corner SofasPagazzi SofasPerch and Parrow Accent ChairsPerch and Parrow ArmchairsPerch and Parrow Corner SofasPerch and Parrow LoveseatsPerch and Parrow ReclinersPerch and Parrow SofabedsPerch and Parrow SofasQuatropi Accent ChairsQuatropi ArmchairsQuatropi Chaise LonguesQuatropi Corner SofasQuatropi Day BedsQuatropi LoveseatsQuatropi ReclinersQuatropi SofasRockett St George Accent ChairsRockett St George ArmchairsRockett St George LoveseatsRockett St George ReclinersRockett St George SofasRose & Grey Accent ChairsRose & Grey ArmchairsRose & Grey Corner SofasRose & Grey LoveseatsRose & Grey SofabedsRose & Grey SofasSazy Accent ChairsSazy ArmchairsSazy Corner SofasSazy SofabedsSazy Accent Chaise Corner Day SofasSoho Home Accent ChairsSoho Home ArmchairsSoho Home Corner SofasSoho Home Day BedsSoho Home LoveseatsSoho Home ReclinersSoho Home SofasTeddy Beau Accent ChairsTeddy Beau ArmchairsTeddy Beau Chaise LonguesTeddy Beau LoveseatsTeddy Beau ReclinersTeddy Beau SofabedsTeddy Beau SofasThe Conran Shop Accent ChairsThe Conran Shop ArmchairsThe Conran Shop Chaise LonguesThe Conran Shop Corner SofasThe Conran Shop Day BedsThe Conran Shop LoveseatsThe Conran Shop ReclinersThe Conran Shop SofabedsThe Conran Shop SofasThe Range Accent ChairsThe Range ArmchairsThe Range Chaise LonguesThe Range Corner SofasThe Range Day BedsThe Range LoveseatsThe Range ReclinersThe Range SofabedsThe Range SofasTobias Oliver Accent ChairsTobias Oliver ArmchairsTobias Oliver Corner SofasTobias Oliver Day BedsTobias Oliver LoveseatsTobias Oliver SofasTom Dixon Accent ChairsTom Dixon ArmchairsTom Dixon Chaise LonguesTom Dixon Corner SofasTom Dixon SofabedsTom Dixon SofasUrban Outfitters Accent ChairsUrban Outfitters ArmchairsUrban Outfitters Day BedsUrban Outfitters LoveseatsUrban Outfitters ReclinersUrban Outfitters SofabedsUrban Outfitters SofasWoods Furniture Accent ChairsWoods Furniture ArmchairsWoods Furniture Corner SofasWoods Furniture LoveseatsWoods Furniture ReclinersWoods Furniture SofabedsWoods Furniture Sofas
Beige Accent ChairsBeige ArmchairsBeige Chaise LonguesBeige Corner SofasBeige Day BedsBeige LoveseatsBeige ReclinersBeige SofabedsBeige SofasBlack Accent ChairsBlack ArmchairsBlack Chaise LonguesBlack Corner SofasBlack Day BedsBlack LoveseatsBlack ReclinersBlack SofabedsBlack SofasBlue Accent ChairsBlue ArmchairsBlue Chaise LonguesBlue Corner SofasBlue LoveseatsBlue ReclinersBlue SofabedsBlue SofasBrown Accent ChairsBrown ArmchairsBrown Chaise LonguesBrown Corner SofasBrown LoveseatsBrown ReclinersBrown SofabedsBrown SofasGreen Accent ChairsGreen ArmchairsGreen Chaise LonguesGreen Corner SofasGreen LoveseatsGreen ReclinersGreen SofabedsGreen SofasGrey Accent ChairsGrey ArmchairsGrey Chaise LonguesGrey Corner SofasGrey Day BedsGrey LoveseatsGrey ReclinersGrey SofabedsGrey SofasOrange Accent ChairsOrange ArmchairsOrange Chaise LonguesOrange Corner SofasOrange LoveseatsOrange SofabedsOrange SofasPink Accent ChairsPink ArmchairsPink Chaise LonguesPink Corner SofasPink LoveseatsPink ReclinersPink SofabedsPink SofasPurple Accent ChairsPurple ArmchairsPurple Chaise LonguesPurple Corner SofasPurple LoveseatsPurple ReclinersPurple SofabedsPurple SofasRed Accent ChairsRed ArmchairsRed Chaise LonguesRed Corner SofasRed LoveseatsRed ReclinersRed SofabedsRed SofasTeal Accent ChairsTeal ArmchairsTeal Chaise LonguesTeal Corner SofasTeal LoveseatsTeal ReclinersTeal SofabedsTeal SofasWhite Accent ChairsWhite ArmchairsWhite Chaise LonguesWhite Corner SofasWhite Day BedsWhite LoveseatsWhite ReclinersWhite SofabedsWhite SofasYellow Accent ChairsYellow ArmchairsYellow Chaise LonguesYellow Corner SofasYellow LoveseatsYellow ReclinersYellow SofabedsYellow Sofas
Amara Accent ChairsHeal's Accent ChairsOlivia's Corner SofasAmara ArmchairsHeal's ArmchairsOlivia's Day BedsAmara Chaise LonguesHeal's Chaise LonguesOlivia's LoveseatsAmara Day BedsHeal's Corner SofasOlivia's ReclinersAmara LoveseatsHeal's LoveseatsOlivia's SofabedsAmara ReclinersHeal's ReclinersOlivia's SofasAmara SofabedsHeal's SofabedsPagazzi Accent ChairsAmara SofasHeal's SofasPagazzi Corner SofasAnthropologie Accent ChairsHomebase Accent ChairsPagazzi SofasAnthropologie ArmchairsHomebase ArmchairsPerch and Parrow Accent ChairsAnthropologie Corner SofasHomebase Corner SofasPerch and Parrow ArmchairsAnthropologie SofasHomebase SofabedsPerch and Parrow Corner SofasAtkin & Thyme Accent ChairsHomebase SofasPerch and Parrow LoveseatsAtkin & Thyme ArmchairsIO Living Accent ChairsPerch and Parrow ReclinersAtkin & Thyme LoveseatsIO Living ArmchairsPerch and Parrow SofabedsAtkin & Thyme SofasIO Living SofasPerch and Parrow SofasBarker and Stonehouse Accent ChairsJohn Lewis Accent ChairsQuatropi Accent ChairsBarker and Stonehouse ArmchairsJohn Lewis ArmchairsQuatropi ArmchairsBarker and Stonehouse Chaise LonguesJohn Lewis Chaise LonguesQuatropi Chaise LonguesBarker and Stonehouse Corner SofasJohn Lewis Corner SofasQuatropi Corner SofasBarker and Stonehouse Day BedsJohn Lewis Day BedsQuatropi Day BedsBarker and Stonehouse LoveseatsJohn Lewis LoveseatsQuatropi LoveseatsBarker and Stonehouse ReclinersJohn Lewis ReclinersQuatropi ReclinersBarker and Stonehouse SofabedsJohn Lewis SofabedsQuatropi SofasBarker and Stonehouse SofasJohn Lewis SofasRockett St George Accent ChairsChiltern Oak Furniture Accent ChairsKave Home Accent ChairsRockett St George ArmchairsChiltern Oak Furniture ArmchairsKave Home ArmchairsRockett St George LoveseatsChiltern Oak Furniture Corner SofasKave Home Chaise LonguesRockett St George ReclinersChiltern Oak Furniture SofasKave Home Corner SofasRockett St George SofasCox and Cox Accent ChairsKave Home SofasRose & Grey Accent ChairsCox and Cox ArmchairsKnees Accent ChairsRose & Grey ArmchairsCox and Cox Chaise LonguesKnees ArmchairsRose & Grey Corner SofasCox and Cox Corner SofasKnees Corner SofasRose & Grey LoveseatsCox and Cox Day BedsKnees LoveseatsRose & Grey SofabedsCox and Cox LoveseatsKnees ReclinersRose & Grey SofasCox and Cox ReclinersKnees SofabedsSazy Accent ChairsCox and Cox SofabedsKnees SofasSazy ArmchairsCox and Cox SofasLa Redoute Accent ChairsSazy Corner SofasCuckooland Accent ChairsLa Redoute ArmchairsSazy SofabedsCuckooland ArmchairsLa Redoute Chaise LonguesSazy SofasCuckooland Corner SofasLa Redoute Corner Accent ChairsCuckooland Day BedsLa Redoute Day ArmchairsCuckooland LoveseatsLa Redoute Chaise LonguesCuckooland SofabedsLa Redoute Corner SofasCuckooland SofasLa Redoute Day BedsCult Furniture Accent ChairsLayered Lounge LoveseatsCult Furniture ArmchairsLoaf Accent ReclinersCult Furniture Corner SofasLoaf SofabedsCult Furniture LoveseatsLoaf Chaise SofasCult Furniture SofabedsLoaf Corner SofasSoho Home Accent ChairsCult Furniture SofasLoaf Day BedsSoho Home ArmchairsDarlings of Chelsea ArmchairsLoaf LoveseatsSoho Home Corner SofasDarlings of Chelsea Corner SofasLoaf SofabedsSoho Home Day BedsDarlings of Chelsea LoveseatsLoaf SofasSoho Home LoveseatsDarlings of Chelsea SofabedsMade in Design Accent ChairsSoho Home ReclinersDarlings of Chelsea SofasMade in Design ArmchairsSoho Home SofasDowntown Accent ChairsMade in Design Chaise LonguesTeddy Beau Accent ChairsDowntown ArmchairsMade in Design Corner SofasTeddy Beau ArmchairsDowntown Chaise LonguesMade in Design Day BedsTeddy Beau Chaise LonguesDowntown Corner SofasMade in Design LoveseatsTeddy Beau LoveseatsDowntown LoveseatsMade in Design SofabedsTeddy Beau ReclinersDowntown ReclinersMade in Design SofasTeddy Beau SofabedsDowntown SofabedsMarks & Spencer Accent ChairsTeddy Beau SofasDowntown SofasMarks & Spencer ArmchairsThe Conran Shop Accent ChairsDunelm Accent ChairsMarks & Spencer Corner SofasThe Conran Shop ArmchairsDunelm ArmchairsMarks & Spencer Day BedsThe Conran Shop Chaise LonguesDunelm Chaise LonguesMarks & Spencer SofabedsThe Conran Shop Corner SofasDunelm Corner SofasMarks & Spencer SofasThe Conran Shop Day BedsDunelm Day BedsMy Furniture Accent ChairsThe Conran Shop LoveseatsDunelm LoveseatsMy Furniture ArmchairsThe Conran Shop ReclinersDunelm ReclinersMy Furniture Chaise LonguesThe Conran Shop SofabedsDunelm SofabedsMy Furniture Corner SofasThe Conran Shop SofasDunelm SofasMy Furniture Day BedsThe Range Accent ChairsFurniture Village Accent ChairsMy Furniture LoveseatsThe Range ArmchairsFurniture Village ArmchairsMy Furniture SofabedsThe Range Chaise LonguesFurniture Village Chaise LonguesMy Furniture SofasThe Range Corner SofasFurniture Village Corner SofasNkuku Accent ChairsThe Range Day BedsFurniture Village Day BedsNkuku ArmchairsThe Range LoveseatsFurniture Village LoveseatsNkuku Corner SofasThe Range ReclinersFurniture Village ReclinersNkuku LoveseatsThe Range SofabedsFurniture Village SofabedsNkuku SofasThe Range SofasFurniture Village SofasNordic Nest Accent ChairsTobias Oliver Accent ChairsFurniture123 Accent ChairsNordic Nest ArmchairsTobias Oliver ArmchairsFurniture123 ArmchairsNordic Nest Chaise LonguesTobias Oliver Corner SofasFurniture123 Chaise LonguesNordic Nest Corner SofasTobias Oliver Day BedsFurniture123 Corner SofasNordic Nest Day BedsTobias Oliver LoveseatsFurniture123 Day BedsNordic Nest SofabedsTobias Oliver SofasFurniture123 LoveseatsNordic Nest SofasTom Dixon Accent ChairsFurniture123 ReclinersOak Furniture Superstore Accent ChairsTom Dixon ArmchairsFurniture123 SofabedsOak Furniture Superstore ArmchairsTom Dixon Chaise LonguesFurniture123 SofasOak Furniture Superstore Chaise LonguesTom Dixon Corner SofasGraham & Green Accent ChairsOak Furniture Superstore Corner SofasTom Dixon SofabedsGraham & Green ArmchairsOak Furniture Superstore Day BedsTom Dixon SofasGraham & Green Corner SofasOak Furniture Superstore LoveseatsUrban Outfitters Accent ChairsGraham & Green Day BedsOak Furniture Superstore ReclinersUrban Outfitters ArmchairsGraham & Green LoveseatsOak Furniture Superstore SofabedsUrban Outfitters Day BedsGraham & Green SofabedsOak Furniture Superstore SofasUrban Outfitters LoveseatsGraham & Green SofasOKA Accent ChairsUrban Outfitters ReclinersHabitat Accent ChairsOKA ArmchairsUrban Outfitters SofabedsHabitat ArmchairsOKA Chaise LonguesUrban Outfitters SofasHabitat Chaise LonguesOKA Corner SofasWoods Furniture Accent ChairsHabitat Corner SofasOKA LoveseatsWoods Furniture ArmchairsHabitat Day BedsOKA SofabedsWoods Furniture Corner SofasHabitat LoveseatsOKA SofasWoods Furniture LoveseatsHabitat ReclinersOlivia's Accent ChairsWoods Furniture ReclinersHabitat SofabedsOlivia's ArmchairsWoods Furniture SofabedsHabitat SofasOlivia's Chaise LonguesWoods Furniture Sofas
Beige Accent ChairsGreen Chaise LonguesPurple SofabedsBeige ArmchairsGreen Corner SofasPurple SofasBeige Chaise LonguesGreen LoveseatsRed Accent ChairsBeige Corner SofasGreen ReclinersRed ArmchairsBeige Day BedsGreen SofabedsRed Chaise LonguesBeige LoveseatsGreen SofasRed Corner SofasBeige ReclinersGrey Accent ChairsRed LoveseatsBeige SofabedsGrey ArmchairsRed ReclinersBeige SofasGrey Chaise LonguesRed SofabedsBlack Accent ChairsGrey Corner SofasRed SofasBlack ArmchairsGrey Day BedsTeal Accent ChairsBlack Chaise LonguesGrey LoveseatsTeal ArmchairsBlack Corner SofasGrey ReclinersTeal Chaise LonguesBlack Day BedsGrey SofabedsTeal Corner SofasBlack LoveseatsGrey SofasTeal LoveseatsBlack ReclinersOrange Accent ChairsTeal ReclinersBlack SofabedsOrange ArmchairsTeal SofabedsBlack SofasOrange Chaise LonguesTeal SofasBlue Accent ChairsOrange Corner SofasWhite Accent ChairsBlue ArmchairsOrange LoveseatsWhite ArmchairsBlue Chaise LonguesOrange SofabedsWhite Chaise LonguesBlue Corner SofasOrange SofasWhite Corner SofasBlue LoveseatsPink Accent ChairsWhite Day BedsBlue ReclinersPink ArmchairsWhite LoveseatsBlue SofabedsPink Chaise LonguesWhite ReclinersBlue SofasPink Corner SofasWhite SofabedsBrown Accent ChairsPink LoveseatsWhite SofasBrown ArmchairsPink ReclinersYellow Accent ChairsBrown Chaise LonguesPink SofabedsYellow ArmchairsBrown Corner SofasPink SofasYellow Chaise LonguesBrown LoveseatsPurple Accent ChairsYellow Corner SofasBrown ReclinersPurple ArmchairsYellow LoveseatsBrown SofabedsPurple Chaise LonguesYellow ReclinersBrown SofasPurple Corner SofasYellow SofabedsGreen Accent ChairsPurple LoveseatsYellow SofasGreen ArmchairsPurple Recliners