Where We’ve Been Featured

Flitch is tailor-made for the digital age. If you’ve embraced streaming platforms that offer curated movie or song suggestions, then Flitch is right up your alley. The era of endlessly sifting through choices is fading; the age of immediate, customized recommendations is now. With Flitch, furniture shopping is undergoing its much-needed revolution.

Central to Flitch's ethos is its personalized approach to interior styling. With access to over 100 UK retailers, Flitch ensures you get the perfect piece at the best price, without the hassle of browsing multiple sites.

But, the big news we're bubbling with excitement to share is about our expansive online footprint. We've made immense strides in ensuring Flitch is accessible and recognized across the digital landscape.

We're immensely proud to announce that we’ve been featured on 100 different online directories! It’s not just a number but a testament to our commitment to be wherever you are.

By making our mark on these directories, we ensure that no matter where you start your online journey, Flitch is just a click away, ready to simplify and enrich your furniture shopping experience.

So, as you explore our listings across the web or dive directly into the world of Flitch, know that we're here to redefine your furniture shopping experience.